All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go!
Waiting to be discharged and wearing one of her mommy's antique dresses
Finally, we were discharged and free to leave!
I had to be wheeled out of the hospital - which cracked me up since I was allowed to walk through the maze of the hospital earlier that afternoon in search of a "car bed."
Sweet Ellie enjoyed the ride.
The Texas heat had not gone away in my 4 days in the hospital.
We were so excited to get Ellie to our home away from home (we are staying in a condo in Dallas while she receives her treatments)

Will was jumping with excitement when we walked in the door!
He had decorated the door and living room for Ellie and was proudly sporting his big brother t-shirt.
I was so happy to be able to sit on the couch and read a story to him.
Will was quite insistent that he get to help feed Caroline Ellie Ellie Grace - all by himself! I had pumped milk while waiting to be discharged and after a feeding Friday, let him help. He really liked feeding her and after about 42 seconds, he was quite happy to be done.
He has been a great helper! It's his job during feedings to bring me diapers and wipes and throw out the dirty diapers.
He does his job so proudly.
Friday was an exhausting day. The discharge drama was a lot.
I started hurting Friday night and realized I had gotten behind on my meds. By Saturday morning, I could barely move and had developed chills and a 102 fever - infection from my incision we think.
Thankfully, my fever has decreased now to the 100 range and I am feeling much better. I am going to need all the energy a new mom can muster for this week with Ellie's appointments. I really don't have time to be sick!
So good to be home with my favorite boy and favorite girl!
2 thoughts:
I'm so glad you are 'home'. We are so praying for you that your body would heal quickly and that God would grant you much grace and wisdom as you process and work through the coming weeks with your precious beautiful gift.
We are leaving tomorrow to go get our precious gift.
Much love - Julia and Rob!
beautiful baby!!!!!!!!!!!! ells, you're such a doll baby!!!
katie - i hope you're feeling better. recovery can be tough, but everyday you'll feel a little better. i'll be thinking of you & praying for you all week as you go to all of your appts. you're wonder mommy :)
kelly garrett harp
ps: in all your spare time (hahahahaaa!!!) if you get a chance, would you email me your physical address? i'd like to send something if i could. (& by "email me" i mean literally mean type out the address & hit send - no message needed :) )
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