You know those friends that are more like family? They're so close to you that growing up, the kids wonder if maybe these are some extra cousins?
The S's & G's are those kind of friends to our family. My dad & John S. have been best friends since age 5! John & Jim both married twins Debbie & Sandi which led to a friendship with Jim & Sandi G. too. Growing up, despite the fact that the S's lived in a far away state & later in Guatemala, we always went white water canoeing every May. Surviving that every year really bonds a friendship :) (or a marriage but I'll spare you the details of the "Great Fight" between R & I during our first canoe trip... ;)) We've done boating trips together too. When the S's lived in Guatemala, I visited them three times - once staying for most of the summer to work with them at the children's home where they were serving as missionaries. One of the girls was a bridesmaid at my wedding. They've attended Will's birth & are back together again for Ellie's. We've stayed at the G's for doctors' appointments - sometimes even when they were out of town.
The S. & G. families are just those kind of wonderful family friends.
Precious friends, we are thankful for you!
This weekend, we went over for a little swim and lunch... and ended up putting Will down for his nap there, taking a nap myself on their couch, and staying for dinner! It was a great way to escape the reality of why we are in Dallas for a day!
Here's most of the group:
3 families, 50 years of friendship, multiple states, 3 marriages in the second generation & Ellie will make the 2nd child born to the second generation.
(I just read that sentence and I apologize that it makes very little sense.)
Saying we're a competitive group would be an understatement.
I can remember sand castle building and swimming contests with the S's & G's even as a little girl.
After nap time, the contests began.
Nearly everyone participated & I will proudly boast that the over 30's group actually won the most contests I think!
This was the "treading water while doing various hand motions" contest. I didn't attempt this at nearly 38 weeks pregnant. Will is on the far right, on Claire's back. I love how he is participating too - the rule was that you had to tread water with one hand in the air.
Sandi is the creative contest maker-upper
Next, came the chicken fights.
Will thought this was a blast!
Our family of 3(4)!
There were some very serious relay races - involving various strokes and even piggyback swimming: as demonstrated by Will:
I'm rather competitive and couldn't stand being left out. Poor R - swimming with me barely hanging on as my belly didn't really allow me to piggyback swim properly. (Is there a proper method?)
we didn't win
I love this picture! Not sure why they are raising their hands - I think they were voting about the next race but I love that Will was right there ready to race and placing his vote! He has no idea he is only 2 & that there is a 20 year age gap between him and the next oldest "kid!"
A piggy back race- Will is second from left
Will is smiling so big! Having a blast racing!
The first relay was quite serious - each participant had to do 4 laps - with multiple stroke requirements. Will & I sat out to cheer for this one.
Even a dog raced Will!
One relay involved swimming to the end of the pool & doing a silly jump off the diving rock. I so wish I had pictures of my parents & their friends doing their jumps - hilarious! Will loved this race as he likes to make silly faces when he jumps! :)
We did do some relaxing swimming too - here's Ellie & I with the S girls
Will basically just called all the girls "the girls"
He enjoyed flirting shamelessly and kissing as many girls as he could
I forgot to post these recent pics of our last few days in Tyler:
Will's Aunt Lili got an awesome globe sprinkler. Will LOVED it & it was perfect for a hot day!
He is the third generation to ride this horse!

And I have been soaking up every possible minute I can cuddling with him (& often falling asleep myself!)
1 thoughts:
James and I hate that we missed such a fuh time! We heard it was a blast and your pictures confirmed that. We're praying for you guys, and especially precious little Ellie on this special day!
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