
Random Photos from the week

In between the business of cast care & spending time with special friends this week & packing, we've managed to find some moments to relax.
It's interesting but since I'm hardly running any errands (too much trouble with Ellie in spica), I find that I am spending more time somedays (when others are here to do other stuff and therefore free me up for a few minutes) just being with my children.
(It helps that so many - my mom, our church friends, my mother in law) have helped with kids, chores, & packing.)
We're escaping boxes with lots of walks.

I found an old cell phone while packing the other day.  Will is now using it as his pretend phone.  His pretend conversations crack me up.
A walk one chilly evening.
The Ergo baby carrier & wagon are our new best friends.
Cuties in their shades
at the park with friends

My friend, Maria, is Greek & is a fabulous cook - especially of my favorite foods - Mediterranean 
The other night, she made us dinner & made a super yummy flaming Greek cheese dessert.
It was so good that she came over again last night to do it for us.
I think that olives & flaming cheese might be my new love language.

This photo makes me deliriously happy:
zanco legs, underwear, & a cape on my floor
Why so Happy?
something about a boy in his cape just make me smile...
& the fact that the boy has finally learned how to take off his own clothes to go to the bathroom & then can put them back on - 
Women from church have been stopping by all week to "vacuum" Ellie in her spica
Will with Cinderella on his last day of preschool
Superman running at the park yesterday

eating picnic lunches on our front porch

2 thoughts:

Christie M said...

Katie, LOVE the superman,underwear, leg photo! LOL :)

Erika Noelle said...

I loved the close up picture with the baby. You are so blessed with people at your church to help you and your husband. Hope packing is going great.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love you Friend Erika.

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