
We are Moving

 It would be far to easy to just move across the state with two little kids, right?
Never a family to do things the "normal" way, we're moving across the state in about 2 weeks with two little kids... and a baby in a spica cast.
Because that's no big deal, right?
Recently, R accepted a job across the grand state of Texas and much closer to our kids' specialists/therapists/prosthesist.
We have discussed moving on and off for over a year as we saw the toll the constant medical travel was taking on our family.  As 2010 drew to a close, we began to seriously discuss it and R began exploring his options.  He was recently offered a very exciting job which he has accepted.
We were contacted by several interested people regarding our home and we managed to prepare it to be shown prior to leaving for Ellie's surgery.  While we were away, it was shown to those interested parties and we put a contract on it yesterday without ever putting it on the market.
We have loved our time in West Texas.  We began our family here and while we are thrilled our house was put under contract yesterday (thank you, God!), I keep crying at the thought of leaving it.  We never bought this home to be our forever home but I love it.  I love the park at the end of our street.  I love our big yard.  I love that I brought home babies here.  I love that we became a real family here.  I love that Will took his first steps on that very floor in the above picture.  
The constant travel has been difficult.  We are weary of separating our family so often for medical trips.  We are weary of not being able to plug into our community or church or friendships because we are unable to commit to anything - we are gone too much.  We are weary of unpacking & repacking suitcases.  We are weary of not having consistent family dinners together.  We are weary of Will not being able to attend preschool regularly.  We are weary of being in airplanes with our children so often - and not for fun vacations.  
Our friends and family and church here have made our life as normal as possible and have supported us for 4.5 years so that we could do life with children with medical needs.  We are so thankful.
We will miss this community dearly.
But we are also looking forward to the opportunity to plug into a community.  We are looking forward to  spending time together as a family in the same town.  We are looking forward to airplanes exciting our children - rather than being routine.  We are looking forward to new opportunities for growth.  We are looking forward to turning our specialists/therapy/prosthetic appointments into appointments - rather than trips.  From our new home, I will be able to literally take a child(ren) to the doctor in a half day without an airplane ride.  I will be able to take them to the hospital and be home in time for naps & family dinner & soccer/ballet practice.  I will be able to travel to the hospital with maybe lunches packed and a diaper bag - rather than suitcases and carry-ons.  
So, it is with mixed emotions that we leave.  We have loved R's job here.  We have loved our friends and family nearby and our church.  We have loved the big thunderstorms and the dry heat.  We have tried so hard to make this work for our unique little family but, ultimately, we think that being closer to major pediatric hospitals will benefit our family and enable us to spend more time together rather than so much time traveling.  
So, I'm doing lots and lots of packing.
You know, in between managing an active three year old and a six month old...
and, let's not forget, doing round the clock diaper care & cast care for a baby in spica cast.
No big deal.
(I'm on the brink of insanity, I believe.  Not sure where that "edge" is but I may find it soon...
Our stress is way way way past the roofline.)
Thank God my mom flew home with us last weekend & has been helping me with spica care & packing.  She is a saint.

Which is why I don't have much spare time right now to sit & blog.  As if spica care wasn't enough.
But, I really want to share how we do cast care so I'm determined to find 10 minutes by Friday to sit & share.
And I also want to share the two big lessons God has been teaching me/revealing to me in the midst of caring for a baby post major surgery/in a body cast.
But, for now, I am beyond exhausted & middle of the night cast care will be calling my name too soon so I'm off for some quick sleep.

10 thoughts:

Kristin said...

We moved across the state with 3 kids in a weekend.

I started a new job 3 days later.

It was crazy fun. Of course a lot of things lived in boxes for a while and our kids slept on mattress on the floor for awhile.

Well planned moves with a few months notice are for people who are not nearly as strong or creative

Christie M said...

Oh my! Moving closer to the hospital is going to make it so much easier.... but.... moving ..... UGH!
So glad the Lord has gone before you and He will guide you to the perfect place! :)

I don't know what your thoughts are on powders, but Caldescene powder is AMAZING and kept 2 of our kids with spika's from getting rashes.... and kept their skin dry and protected.
GREAT stuff!

Mrs. Jenk said...

Grown up decisions can be the hardest.

Anonymous said...

We will miss you so much, friends! I wish we could have your kids over to play or we could drop by to see you for a few, but we're stuck here with the Dude for now. When are you actually moving?! Please say we're going to hang out before that happens!

rmcdonald@cbtd.com said...

Hey Katie: You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog for a couple of months (and following your story for quite a while). I am a part-time secretary at CBTD and have worked for Reagan a few times. I just wanted to tell you how much you and your family have ministered to me. The first time I met Will face to face, I was struck by his beauty, his politeness (he shook my hand and said hello or nice to meet you or something like that), and his energy. I look at the pics of he and that GORGEOUS little girl, they seem to be smiling more often than not--that's got to be a produce of their raising! I heard Reagan in the hall yesterday talking to someone, he was so positive and pleasant--WOW! What a blessing! I know you don't think you are a "hero" or a "strong" person, but I must tell you, you are definitely a hero to me! I can't begin to understand why God allows things to happen the way He does, but I trust His Word that says, "His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts," Isa. 55:8-10. But even knowing this, as I read your blogs, EVERY TIME I think that as Jesus looks down on what your family is experiencing, His heart must break a little more each day at the way the innocent ones of the world pay the price for the deterioration that sin has caused. I had a friend who once said he'd seen a dead bird on the ground, and he thought of the Scripture that says God even sees the sparrow when it falls, and he thought to himself, I want to get right beside that bird, because God's eyes are on it. I believe you and your family are in His direct line of vision. I know you didn't choose to be there, and I can't comprehend what it must feel like, but for whatever reason, He trusts you and Reagan to handle this. I believe with all my heart that He is using your family "for such a time as this," even if the reasons why are not clear now. Maybe you'll never know, this side of Heaven, how many lives you have impacted for His glory. But you have definitely impacted mine! I surely hope you will continue to keep us connected with your blog. I have shared your story with my husband, my church (we pastor here in Midland), my family, and my friends. We are all rooting for you! and guess what? In the end, WE ALL WIN---cuz I've read the back of the Book! p.s. - It won't hurt my feelings even a little bit if you choose not to post this comment. I just wanted you to know how I felt! Love in Jesus, Rene' McDonald

Unknown said...

You continue to be Superwoman and Supermom in my eyes. Like I said...I so wish I could be there to help pack or take Will to the park or do something for you...anything. Congratulations...I love to see God in the nitty gritty details. Thanks for moving a smidge closer to us..haha! Such a cute pic.
Prayers and Love, ejw

Erika Noelle said...

Wow that's exiting. I did the award so what happens next??

Erika Minich.

kelly said...

k - so happy for you :) long term, it seems like this is going to be SO GOOD! but oh my gosh, you must feel like falling down on the floor & quitting. BLESS YOU, mommy :) sending lots of thoughts & love to west texas - you can do it!!!
ps: don't forget to treat yourself! a starbucks treat, a little candy @ the grocery store - ANYTHING!

A Joyful Chaos said...

We moved three times this past year but never with children that needed extra special care.

So glad we can trust God to provide and help. His grace truly is sufficient.


P.S. Love that song that started playing when I happened upon your blog. "Elliana's Song" I had never heard it before.

Amanda said...

I'm so happy for your family that you will get a little more - or a lot more - peace with this move. I pray you will settle into a really loving, warm, and supportive community of friends and believers.

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