

(Will's Sunday School class made this video for him!)

Joining us this weekend in Dallas for Where There's a WILL, There's a Way?

Some key details you need to know:

Saturday, 4:30 -5:30pm
The pre-party has been moved INSIDE!  We will be in the Maple Room - just inside the Main Entrance of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.  We'll have hot chocolate and look forward to seeing you, meeting you, & celebrating TSRHC with you!  (Look for the blue signs to find us.)
Wear your blue shirts & we'll get a group picture here.

Sunday, 8am-noon
Regardless of the weather, the race will go on.
However... if the weather is too cold and wet, Will & Ellie might not make an appearance.  We're playing it by ear for them. :)  (Pray for a sunny day.  And if you know me - you know that is a big deal for me.  I love rainy days more than any other kind of weather.  But a sunny race day would be preferred.)

Weather permitting, we will have a WTAWTAW tent set up - look for us just past the runner's village in the Charity Village.  You won't be able to miss the blue banners!

Not able to make it this year?  Wear your shirt (or any blue shirt) at home as a part of our "home team" & spread awareness about limb differences and TX Scottish Rite Hospital for Children!

Thanks so much for your support.  We hope to see you at the Rock!

The four year old classes at Will's preschool - showing Will & TSRHC support!

2 thoughts:

Annette Honeycutt said...

Wish we could be there!!! But we'll be showing our support this week! :-)

Jennifer said...

love the class picture!! love it that zane and zephan are in his class. i know his mom from mops. small world! and his teacher, shelly salvage. anyway, good luck this weekend! hope the weather cooperates!

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