What a fun week this has been! I've been feeling fluttering/rippling kicks for several weeks now but then Monday, the full blown kicking commenced! I think the baby was inspired by the Boston Marathon on Monday morning & will probably grow up to be a runner... maybe even win it! :) just kidding-
anyway, Monday night, Reagan & I were praying before bed when suddenly, in the middle of the prayer, as my hand was on my stomach, I felt a huge BAM kick! It was the first time I had felt a kick both from the inside & the outside with my hand! And this was no rippling little kicking... this was BAM! POW! kind of kicking! AMAZING!!! And the baby kicked my hand 4 more times! We just laid in bed thanking God & feeling! I couldn't help but cry at His provision. I stand in awe of a God who can "knit us togther in our mother's wombs" so amazingly intricate & have us kicking & punching & running! WOW!
Then, it gets even better! Last night, as we were watching a bike race- the Paris -Roublaix (sp?), our clearly athletic child began bouncing! Literally, I watched a silver dollar size round shape of my shirt & stomach move up & down. Took my breath away! I grabbed Reagan's hand & for the first time in his LIFE, he felt a baby kick! We just laughed at how incredibly cool it is to watch your stomach move as if there is an alien in there. As my pregancy reduced brain cells commented, "it's like it has a mind of its own..." duh -he/she does!
Today, I've watched my stomach (& felt the kicks) move all over the place. What is really cool is to place my hand on a certain area & feel the baby kick my hand. He/she is so smart! :)
Quick medical update from dr. appointment last Friday - all is good. My blood pressure has risen from just above death which is good (2 weeks ago it was 85/55.) I'm gaining weight -wow - enough said about that. Heartbeat is still very high!
Ultrasound appointment is this Friday - yea!!!
1 thoughts:
You are def. a cute pregnant woman! And again...could your stomach be any more beautiful? Look what I have to aspire too! :) Nursery looks great! Can't wait to see the finished product...PS--MY VOTE--PLEASE FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ejw
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