After 2 ultrasounds, we wanted to share our exciting news with you! Please pray for our family during this time!
Baby is due August 31 (the day after Will's 3rd birthday - Happy Birthday Will!!!)
Will is so excited to be a big brother (don't think he realizes how it will change his life yet!) & has kept us laughing for 8 weeks! I'll post "Willisms: the Baby Edition" in the next day or so!
16 thoughts:
I've been anxiously awaiting this post :-) Praying for you and baby EVERY day. Love u!!
P.S.--Let's talk SOON!!!
Yea! Such exciting news. We will definitely keep you in our prayers, as I know this time is hard not to be anxious/worried.
Congrats to you guys! I am so excited for all of you and can't wait to meet the new little one :) Hope to see you guys soon.
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for your family! I will be praying for you during this exciting yet anxious time! Can't wait to get together soon.
How creative of a post.
Wish I could be that creative!
So happy for ya'll and praying often. Can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy :)
love ya'll-ejw
YAY! That's great! I'm so happy for y'all! Can't wait to hear what Will has to say!
Congrats! We are happy for you! It will be exciting to add a new baby to the family and to see how Will develops into a big brother!
We are so excited for your sweet, growing family! I saw your mom yesterday, she shared your wonderful news! Will is going to be such a great big brother! We will be in continual prayer for all of you during your pregnancy!
So excited for y'all! We'll continue praying for a great pregnancy!
katie!! just found your blog from christy sudan ogden's!! so glad to be able to keep up with you now :) CONGRATS on a new baby!! hope you're getting lots of rest, though it looks like your son is about as active as mine so probably not!! haha!
much love to you all!
kelly garrett harp
I'm SO excited for you guys!!! Yay! Congrats! :)
Wow so awesome, congrats cousins!! So glad I checked your blog today!! love and blessings to all, Sally et al
Congratulations Katie!! This is so exciting!
Congratulations Katie! I love seeing you as a Mother and know you will be blessed with another amazing child!
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