
While on a walk with his friend, Elena, yesterday, I just happened to take a picture of Will hugging Elena (or so I thought.) Upon closer inspection, I think he is going for her hairbow (look at his eyes!)
Two happy kiddos on the swings yesterday.

Will is really great at putting things in & out of various containers. He loves to pull all of his groceries out of the cart & then put them all back in. Then, he takes off, often making his "vroom" sound. Here's a video of him pushing the cart without prosthetics on!

I also took a HILARIOUS video of Will's "wild man" bathtub act. However, I can't figure out how to block out a certain part of his anatomy to put it on our blog! Any ideas out there? I just don't feel right putting "that" on the Internet! He has this new thing he does in the tub when I say, "Do the wild man." He gets on his knees with his arms raised high & the crashes down as hard as he can. Then, he quickly turns the other direction to do it again. He does this back & forth thing quickly while squealing before finishing the act with a stand against the back of the tub & a backwards slide into the water- laughing the whole time! So funny! Wish I could share it with you!

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