
Bush Bash!

The kids infront of the horses & sheriffs- there for security purposes
My view of the pres - notice the tree branch directly blocking his head.

Will - a self portrait
(Don't you love how he even smiles when he takes his own picture?! Little ham!)
(anything to keep him busy!)

Will playing with R's tie during the prayer

Will & Jak, Jayce, & Jude

Getting our tickets for the event - Will sitting on the very same steps W played on - his childhood home (just a few blocks from our house)

On Tuesday afternoon, Former President George W. Bush & former First Lady Laura Bush returned home to Midland for a welcome home rally. Former history/government teacher that I am, I was so excited to take Will. I also managed to convince myself that surely security would whisk Will up to the stage for a photo op with the pres. That didn't happen.

I also believed (stupidly) that I could give Will an early afternoon nap, meet up with my pal Stevie & her 3 boys & just breeze right into the rally & get a great view of el presidente. That didn't happen either.

I did give Will a nap (fortunately) & I did meet up with Stevie but by the time we got to the rally, we cut in line with Reagan & then waited in line for over an hour (I think.) By the time we got in to the rally, we found ourselves somewhere near the back & it was in the shade & getting cold. We then waited another hour or so while listening to really bad, cheesy, country music ("I'm proud to be an American" - bring back middle school memories anyone?)

Finally, Air Force One flew really low over our heads & the pres waved (although I couldn't see that part - but that's what the media & vips said.) And, then another 45 minutes later or so, they showed up! We listened to part of the speech & then left- our kids had been forced into stillness & relative quiet long enough! I did love in his speech how much he praised Laura- very sweet & genuine.
Welcome Home, Bushes, & thank you for your service to our country!

Former Pres George W & Laura entering the rally (I didn't take this pic- I only could see them on the screen.)
Will - not wanting to pose at W's childhood home.
Notice that the sign refers to the house as the George W. Bush childhood home. I think that's odd- Why not call it the George H. Bush home - pretty sure W. didn't own the house!

Air Force One flying over our heads

Air Force One flying over our heads- close up

One of my dad's friends apparently got much better pics so any of the actual pics of the pres were taken by him - I only saw him on the jumbotron!
Above- Jenna Welch (Laura's mom who still lives here), Jenna Bush, some guy, & Gov & Mrs. Perry - fyi- I once ran a marathon with Gov Perry!

The crowd - naive little me, thinking I would get a photo op with W- there were 30,000 people there!!!

1 thoughts:

Jo Anna said...

I am SOOOOOO jealous! I didn't even see that Lubbock was getting tickets until the day after President Bush came home. Lucky y'all!

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