So I grabbed the camera.
Is there anything better in the whole wide world than a soft, warm, sweet smelling baby boy asleep on your chest?!?
You know what I really love? I love how perfectly Will fit against me when he was hours old and less than 6 lbs, when he was days, & weeks, & months old. And somehow, though he is nearly 20 months old and 23 lbs, he still fits just perfectly.
Will now does all the motions for the "happy" song ("If You're Happy & You Know It.") Apparently, he does not do them all for me on camera. I especially like when he throws a tantrum during the "happy" song -clearly he doesn't quite grasp the meaning of the song!
(I've moved the music playlist way down low to the bottom of the blog - hit pause on it to hear Will... wish there was a way to put my singing on mute.)
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE his laughter!?!?!?!
2 thoughts:
Loved the videos!
Thanks for taking the time to do that I know they take forever sometimes to upload.
Will is such a smart little guy.
I can't wait for the boys to get together again..oh how I long to live in the same city again with you (ya'll) friend.
PS- That's a most definite favorite time of mine as well.
Aaron (3 1/2) fell asleep on me yesterday. Such a nice treat and I don't think you get tired of it no matter the age. In fact, you probably appreciate it more since it become such a rare thing for them to be still... Will is such a handsome boy! ~ Shelby
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