Know what "stinks?"
Potty Training someone who wears prosthetics. Not that I'm potty training - because I am definitely not. But sometimes, I don't want to waste a diaper & yet someone needs a diaper & still has another hour before bed or nap time. So, I've been experimenting letting that someone wear big boy underwear for short bursts of time (& saving on the diaper!) He loves it and gets so excited as he chooses between racecars, spaceships, or dinosaurs. He also has sound effects & hand motions for each choice. (Maybe I'm not giving him enough choices in life if this is what excites him so?)
Yesterday, the red dinosaur underwear won. We headed outside to play in the leaf piles & not 5 minutes later, his curdory pants were wet. I let it go - didn't seem to bother him. But half an hour later, I changed him for naptime and realized...
prosthetics & pee do not go well together. Clothes can be tossed in the washer. Children can be tossed in the bath & quickly dried off.
Prosthetics can be washed - but with great effort & they take about 15-24 hours to completely dry. My kid needs his legs when he wakes up - 3-4 hours later. And urine is one thing but what in the world will I do if he poops on his zancos?!!?! And what if we're in public? I know that my friends who are potty training take extra underwear/pull-ups/pants with them in public in case of an accident. It's not like I have extra prosthetic legs laying around here I can take & I would hate to remove his legs from him - that seems like some sort of medical abuse (is there such a thing?)
"Bottom" line- yikes! (Or, in the words of my 2 year old- "yowzers!")
I've concluded that I will never potty train my son. And I'm okay with that.
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4 thoughts:
What about pullups? Even though we are semi-potty's so much easier when out and about (restaurants, airports) not to have to lay him down anywhere and you can put his zancos right through the holes and then tear them off just like a diaper while standing up so the 'yuck' doesn't get on the zancos. Make sense?
Just a thought. Don't listen to me.
Love ya'll-ejw
Wow- that will be tough! You surely don't want him to be without them because of all the emotional issues that could bring, but you can't have yucky zancos either! I know you'll figure it out!
Just realized something and thought I would share. Chris was about 2ish when Mike was diagnosed. I was caring for Mike, working, taking Alyssa to school, Chris to daycare and trying to potty train him. It was toooooooo much. I gave up and decided I didn't care it he ever got out of diapers. In my case it took care of itself. His class (friends) at daycare got to move up to the next room as soon as they would use the potty (usually 2-1/2 to 3 yrs old). As it turns out it didn't take him long once he realized all his friends were in the 'bigger kids' room and he was left with the 'babies'. He potty trained in basically a day! (He was right at 3.) I don't how it would be best for Will or what incentive you might come up with, but although it might seem like a lifetime once you start, he will decide to go potty even if he might be a little older. I'm thinking clean zancos outweigh typical timing for potty training, plus the pull ups comment sounds like a winner. Any way you do it, he will want to make it happen at some point before he is too much older than his friends. Also, he actually may be a quick study when the time comes. :)
I'm never going to potty train either, so our boys can live in diapers together forever.
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