
Will is not a great eater. He doesn't like traditional kid food like mac & cheese or noodles (except for spaghetti) or even bean burritos or deli meat sandwiches. And plain cheese? Forget it.

So, what does he eat & love? The kid loves loves loves olives & begs for more than the 3-4 I allow him every night. (Could it be because I consumed olives by the jar throughout my pregnancy?) He loves turkey & oatmeal meatballs. He loves capers ("green balls" he calls them.) His favorite main dish is chicken picatta (chicken cooked with capers, fresh lemon juice, lots of seasoning/spices, & white wine.) He loves most veggies & all fruit- even pomogranate seeds. Last night, I tried salmon with him (see above picture). He was hesitant at first but once he realized that bears eat salmon, he fell in love. He has alternated all week between being a pretend "big pirate- aargh!" & a bear- "grrr!" He immediately went into full bear mode & consumed all of his portion of salmon along with half of mine! I'm just thrilled he loves it.
I had also steamed a fresh artichoke for our dinner. I love fresh, steamed, hot artichoke petals dipped in a butter sauce. YUM! Will tried 2 petals. I couldn't believe it! What 2 year old won't eat mac & cheese but will eat artichoke petals?He did inform me after 2 that "he doesn't like it, Mommy," but I'm just glad he willingly tried it - twice.
I don't know what kind of tastes he has... except for expensive! :)

2 thoughts:

Scott & Shelby Peschel said...

Neither of my boys eats mac & cheese either - don't know how that happens! Sure would be easier and cheaper if they did!

Unknown said...

oh how i wish walker would eat healthier...he is a mac & cheese guy all the way. he can't get it in fast enough when we have it. he loves most fruits but vegteables besides green beans...you can forget it! :(
Just like his Dad!
Guess I'm going to have to invest in the Deceptively Delicious cookbook huh?

Go Will and Chef Mommy!

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