
Born Without Arms

One of our little Scottish Rite friends, Nadia, is being featured in a TLC show on Sunday night at 9pm- I believe it is called "Born Without Arms." Nadia was adopted from Russia (I think) & has a foot difference & is missing arms. She is amazingly talented at eating with her foot!

Nadia was in our cabin at Camp Out on a Limb this past summer and I believe the film crew was there for part of that week so if you watch it, you might see some footage of camp & our other friends. (The film crew was gone by the time we got to camp later in the week.)

1 thoughts:

Charlotte said...

I watched Nadia's amazing story last night.
My husband and I adopted a baby boy from Cambodia 5 years ago. He too is a multiple amputee. He has on full leg.
He is an incredible and very determined child.
I have been trying to find the Name and location of the camp that Nadia attended. No luck so far. I was hoping that you could help me find out about it. What a wonderful experience a camp like that would be for him.

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