The day after Thanksgiving, we spent the evening at the lake near my parents' home. I love being on the water & it's especially beautiful this time of year.
Will roasted his first s'more...
and caught it on fire...

We enjoyed some family time at the bonfire

and used up some left over July 4th fireworks.
Will held his sparkler all by himself (he was closely supervised.)

And he loved spinning around with Mommy and the giant sparkler

He kept his distance from the fire but really enjoyed sitting by it.
(I've been warned by his prosthetist about fires & prosthetic legs... they could easily melt before he would notice the heat - & they cost about $12,000/leg!)

You might not be able to see him with all that camo on... he's the one with curly blonde hair.

Will loved playing baseball with "Uncle Mac" - actually my cousin's husband who plays in the Minor Leagues for Toronto. Justin brought Will a baseball card & gave him his professional glove (R was especially excited about the glove!)

He enjoyed his turkey (sort of)

The family at Thanksgiving dinner...
toasting all we have to be thankful for

Our little fam

Mothers & Daughters & Sisters & Cousins & Aunts & Nieces

Four Generations of Mothers & Children
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