
Ellie in the Belly Update- 33 weeks

My regular perinatologist is out of town so I had a new doctor today. I took my 400 page textbook with me hoping to harass pick the brain of someone new. However, he was quite vague & brief - I suppose out of respect for the fact that I am not his official patient & so he didn't want to give me his own conclusions, assumptions, diagnoses, etc.
Therefore, I will be brief (shocking, I know.)
Non-stress test: Ellie passed it at about 45 minutes in. Yay!
Bio-physical profile (BPP): She passed - yahoo!
She is not in a good birthing position at all - her head is very far up on my right side - literally - it is off to the side a little - & her body curves down and then her feet are near her head but on my left side & a little lower than a head. A "u" shape, I guess. This might make our c-section decision for us. We've been debating it with the doctors - it is recommended in our textbook and by other parents for Ellie... our doctors don't always agree. She might not give us a choice in the matter.
Amniotic Fluid: has gone way, way, way down to "normal!" Praise the Lord! In fact, it's actually now almost at the bottom end of the normal range. Crazy. There can be serious complications if it continues to go down so hopefully it will camp out & stay put. I tried to get the doctor to give me more information on this sudden decrease but did I mention he was vague? Basically, he said that for this week, I do not have polyhydramnios. We'll see for next week. The lower fluid levels also make it more difficult for Els to get back into birthing position - the high levels helped her move out of it last week and then when they went down, it makes it difficult for her to get back in place!
Ok - that's it for now.
Hilarious (in my totally unbiased opinion) video of Will coming soon reenacting David & Goliath.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our family! We appreciate you more than you know!

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