
the stats

Today was a loooong day. It started out wonderfully, though.
Ellie went 6 hours last night between feedings! Glorious! My mom generously woke up when Ellie did and I pumped quickly and then my mom fed her a bottle. It was so nice to get some sleep - which I desperately needed. I have been wiped out from our hospital stay (no rest to be had there!) and today was going to be a long day. I was so thankful to just wake up for 5 minutes during the night.

Anyway, therapy went well. Ellie didn't regress as much as we feared due to her hospital stay. She just didn't progress at all. I was so relieved not to be fired from the program!

Also, there is a new baby girl who is also a month old who is going to be treated for AMC as well! The therapists are going to pass her mom my name and number. I'm so excited to hopefully meet them soon! I have never met anyone with Will's diagnosis. In fact, he was 2 1/2 before I found via phone the other family in the USA with the same diagnosis for their son. It's not exactly common. (13 recorded cases.)
AMC affects 1 in 3000 live births so therefore there is a lot more info available and more chances to meet people. I can hardly wait to meet this family soon I hope! (Hopefully they won't think I'm crazy & too eager to be their friend!)

After therapy, we had a brief break and then it was off to the pedi for Ellie's one month check-up & post hospital check-up. While checking her for her milestone markers, I was explaining to the nurse one of my concerns & placed Ellie on her tummy to demonstrate.
Out of nowhere, Ellie rolled over tummy to back!
She can now roll both directions, apparently!
The nurse & I were both shocked!
The pedi commented that she is apparently skipping over some milestones as she hasn't met them all yet for her age. Amazing really that she is rolling both ways!
Go Ellie Girl!

her stats:
weight: 8 lbs, 3 oz (25%)
length: 19 3/4" (9%)
head: 14 1/2" (50%)

She is doing great & we are so thankful!

(ps- there was a "FDA" shadowing our dr today! Thankfully, she introduced herself & then allowed our pedi to do the talking without pretending like she knew anything about AMC!)

coming tomorrow: Will's first soccer lesson!!!

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