
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


Hours and hours (& hours!) spent slip n sliding

 laughing hysterically at your silly big brother

Sneak Attacks by Daddy

Hide N Seek

popsicles before bath time

playing fetch with Ruby

Father Son Fishing

Learning to Blow Bubbles

and making bubble paintings

long morning cuddles

making mud pies on rainy days

you have to pat the mud just right...

Rainy Day Movies in (or in front of as the case may be) a tent

playing dress up as "Pink Lady & a spy"

long afternoon naps (she insists on taking her dress up clothes to bed with her)

afternoon tea parties

Summer Really is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

1 thoughts:

Christie M said...

Such wonderful memories! I had to laugh out loud at that photo of Ellie sleeping with her hat and dress. :)

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