Happy Sunday to you. We had quite a late night last night! No, we weren't out partying... we had to go to the er. No big deal however. Fortunately, we did get out Friday night to a shrimp boil party & hope to get out today to go swimming & to see a movie. But as for the er experience...
I had noticed that all day yesterday I had one swollen leg which really ached badly. My other leg is just fine & normal. I tried to rest it & drank tons of water- nothing helped. Finally, Reagan convinced me to call my dr. The nurse said I needed to go to the er as there was a strong possibilty of a blood clot since only one leg was swollen & hurting. I asked if I could wait a while since Reagan was playing tennis with a friend but she urged me to go asap. So I waited about 30 minutes before going to the tennis courts to get Reagan & off we went. I had to get an iv which is really making me not want an epidural - Shots don't faze me but a needle just hanging there- ugh! Then they did some horrible doppler machine up & down my leg searching for a blood clot. I'm pretty sure if I could see past my belly that I would see lots of bruises- it was actually quite painful! However, it was a good time to practice my breathing exercises. I admit- as he would jam that t
hing into my veins, if I practiced breathing deeply, I was able to get through it easier (barely - still brought tears). (We'll see if that holds true in labor!) The baby also kicked me a lot which helped take my mind off of pushing probe thing (kind of). Anyway, no clots so that it great news (apparently they can kill...) My discharge papers did diagnose me - with pregnancy as my primary problem (duh- so glad we went to the er to learn that!) And edema in one leg as my secondary problem. So - there you go, happy weekend to you.
By the way, had a regular ob appointment on Friday and things were good as far as normal pregnancy stuff. My belly is still measuring big (closer to 36 wks preggo) & th
e baby continues to measure several weeks big. My ob assured me that it does not mean the baby will come early - just that the baby is big (good news!) Also, the heart rate continues to hover right at the borderline for boy or girl! God is keeping us guessing! :) I go to a specialist again in a week & will hopefully get more information as to what we are dealing with so that I can better decide where to deliver.
By the way, had a regular ob appointment on Friday and things were good as far as normal pregnancy stuff. My belly is still measuring big (closer to 36 wks preggo) & th
We also finally found time to build the crib- yea! And I painted two "happy Birthday signs" to hang in the hospital room. The blue one doesn't have the name painted on yet since we're still unsure. Lately, however, Will is winning...
ps - don't know if you can see it or not but it seems God has been preparing us for a while for this baby (our psalm 139 baby) - it's painted on the wall above the crib! I also added it to my signs- I want every nurse, doctor, & visitor to our hospital room to know that this baby is "fearfully & wonderfully made."
7 thoughts:
Sounds like a very normal pregnant week-end!!!
Dear Katie,
I just heard from Julie Morgan about what is going on with you. You know, you have been preparing for this adventure all your life with all your missionary work. God knew what he was doing when he gave this baby to you. Your child is truly a miracle and no telling what wonderful things your child will do.
Do you remember my daughter Teri's friend, Stephanie Lee? She is the blind girl who would visit here at University. Stephanie can't even see shadows, yet she MARCHED in the high band, played in the Waco Symphony Orchestra, cooks and cleans at home, and is starting Texas A & M this fall with a 4.0 grade point average from MCC. Teri can't wait to introduce her to her church group. She just knows they will be blown away.
Stephanie's mother has taken billions of pictures and videos of Stephanie. She always said that even though doctors told her it would be impossible, she believes that one day Stephanie will see. On their last visit, Stephanie's mom once again asked the doctor if there will ever be a chance for Stephanie to see. The doctor grinned and said in all likelihood, she will be able to see in a few years. Stephanie and her boyfriend are talking marriage. There is a good chance that Stephanie will actually see the faces of her children. Her blindness was a random thing just like your child's differences.
I told you about Stephanie because that is a true miracle. I just wanted you to know there are millions of miracles out there. You know that. Your faith is strong. And I'm also going to tell you there will be days when you will be angry at our God. But you know, that's OK. We all get angry at our best friends once in a while and it just makes the making up all that much sweeter. So take care of yourself and continue to let people take care of you. They were put here to be God's arms to lift you up when you stumble. I'm praying for you, Reagan and baby.
I miss you and wish I could reach out and hug you right now.
And my guess is that it's a boy because boys ride low and girls ride high and honey - you are low!
Dear Katie and Reagan,
I am Cecil and Bernie Ward's daughter. My mom has been forwarding the emails, and now I am able to be a part of this amazing web site. Katie, your parents have been such a blessing to my parents, and I feel so blessed to be a part of your circle of friends praying for all of you and this precious baby. Thank you for allowing me to share in this most amazing journey to Holland.
Alice Stanley, Longview
I heard the song "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant yesterday and thought of your Fearfully & Wonderfully made baby!
Bless your heart! So glad you are ok :) Love the signs...they are precious! Way to go Mom! :) ejw
I'm so glad you are okay. Spending time in the ER is never fun. I wish I could have been at the shower last weekend! I can't wait to meet Ellie or (maybe) Will. Both great names by the way. I love you door signs.
Cin ;-)
just wanted you to know that i've also been following you and your pregnancy. i'm anxious to see if it's an "ellie" or "maybe a will".:) i will pass your sweet message on to my mom. you are a woman of great faith, and i know God is going to use this little life to bless you in a BIG and mighty way.
jenny in ms
love the signs! it looks like you're a pro, too! :)
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