
Prosthetics- Step 1

One of my new roles is that of educator. I'm learning how to teach others about kids with differences, appropriate vocabulary, etc. I've already started researching various methods other moms have used when their child starts school to teach their classmates about kids with limb differences. This summer, we will be learning all about prosthetics... & we'd like to teach you what we are learning! It's truly an art that makes a difference in lives.
Last Friday, Will began the prosthetic experience with a casting. Literally, the prosteticist put casts on each of his legs. He had to lay very still & fortunately did so thanks to cartoons on a little tv above his head & me feeding him his milk. He also enjoyed chewing on the casting tubes. "Still" is not exactly in his vocabulary- we were very proud of him! First, the prosteticist made a series of measurements of each leg. Then, she wrapped his leg in guaze & used a special marker to mark the "landmarks" (bones). Then, she used more guaze & wet plaster to create the cast. Each one took about 5 minutes or so to dry. She then used several cool tools & a razor to gently cut the cast off. This whole process took about an hour.
In 2 weeks, we will return for step #2 - "test sockets" - more on that to come!
People often ask when are going to do hand prosthetics. Let me go ahead & state our thoughts on prosthetics. This is a very exciting although very emotional experience for us. We did not take this decision lightly. It is very important to us that Will know we accept his body & that we are doing prosthetics for him only as an option. They will be able to come on & off. We want him to be comfortable with them so that he can use them for certain activities if necessary. However, we will continue to work hard with him at walking on his own feet as we want him to know that is okay too. (As a sidebar- he is pulling up all the time but learned to go up & down stairs this weekend!) We do not want him to feel he has to use the prosthetics. We just want to make them available to him. Ultimately, it will be his decision to do whatever is best for him. We've read many stories of people with limb differences who are quite successfull with a prosthesis (such as Roger Crawford, professional tennis player) & of those who are quite successfull without a prosthesis (such as Kyle Maynard, world record setter in weight lifting & college wrestler). We likely will not do hand prosthetics. There is no feeling in a prosthesis & generally a child born with hand differnences has already compensated & figured out how to do anything they need to with the hand they have. For instance, Will can grab toys, he can crawl, & he can feed himself. Sometimes, kids do get hand prosthetics for one time use. We've been told that girls have been known to get a prosthesis so they can get a manicure for prom. With boys, it tends to be so they can better play a particular sport (such as golf). So, at this point, there is nothing Will needs a hand prosthesis for.
Yes, we are excited to begin this process with Will. However, it is somewhat of an emotional time for us & we enter yet another new world of new faces & a new language & a new normal. Hopefully you'll enjoy learning about this process along with us!
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5 thoughts:

K. Willeby said...


I have been watching tons of olympic trials and there have been several stories lately about Olympians trying to compete in the games. One is a guy with two prostetics on his feet, who is attempting to qualify to run in the track events. And not in the Paraolympics but the regular olympics. Everytime I see those awesome stories, I think of your Will and your family. YOu have already taught us so much!

Kelly said...


Thanks for sharing the pictures and info. It is very interesting and cool to see the process at work. I am glad that you are planning on writing about it for us.

Way to go Will! Good job sitting still for so long!

Brooke said...

Thanks for being our "educator" and letting us be a part of your experiences. I applaud you on all your hard work, I don't know if I could do it. Know that you are in our prayers.

~Stevie~ said...

Thanks for sharing and willing to educate those of us that know nothing about any of this. I am so thankful to have you as a friend. You have taught me and my children so much already! I'm so glad I will get to learn about this process from you and that my boys have Will to learn from too! We are blessed to have you in our lives. :)

Unknown said...

Go Will! Always a sweet boy :)
Thanks for letting us ride along in this journey with you and educate all of us as well. We love you all. Praying, ejw

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