
White Rock Marathon - Saturday Expo

Going down the slide with Daddy at the Expo. From the front, this looked like a fun, simple enough slide. Reagan volunteered to take Will down it while I would film. It seemed to take him forever to get to the top of the slide... & he was so sweaty! I went & looked at the other side & saw it was quite an obstacle course, which he did while carrying a toddler who was wearing heavy zancos (prosthetics!) What a great Dad!

The boys after their presentation at the Expo. Rudy (gold medalist Olypmian- see below post), Reid, age 5 1/2 with one very cool rainbow striped prosthetic, Cody (in hat & yellow shirt) - double amputee, Will double congenital amputee, & a Scottish Rite doctor.

Will - waving to the crowd from the stage at the Expo.

Mr. Curly Hair

Rudy speaking at the Expo

Cody & Will watching the Expo

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