
Last Week...

Poor baby - not feeling good & resting on his cowboy sleeping bag while watching Sesame Street
We've had a tough weekend. At 5:20am on Friday, Will woke us up having his first asthma attack. The doctor is not officially diagnosing it as asthma until he is at least 2 for insurance purposes (which we both laughed at - seriously, as if we don't have the market cornered on rare syndromes to deal with our insurance co about!)
Anyway, he spent a lot of the day Friday at the doctors & then it got worse that evening. Dr. Nabulsi put him on breathing treatments every hour & he is now doing much better.
for breathing "treats" he gets to watch Lady & the Tramp. I think I've seen it about 8 times now in 20 minute segments.

Dr. Nabulsi also helped to start the first gymnastics program for special needs kids in the USA recently here in our town. Will was assessed on Saturday morning & participated in a regular gymnastics class for kids his age. The special needs class is during the week & he will spend time working with a coach (who has a masters degree in OT) one on one. Then, on Saturdays, he will participate in the regular class.

He loved doing the rings above.

Working on strengthening his core & his arms & hands on the balance beams - one on one with Coach Matt

Doing the obstacle course "choo choo train"

The class was really fun & very challenging for Will. I struggled watching him struggle to complete the activities with his zancos on. It is just tough to lift those heavy weights to climb! After I took them off, he did much better. I got teary eyed sometimes watching him work so hard & struggle to keep up with the other little boys. Sometimes I hate being different!
At the end, however, he gave every kid & their parents & the coaches high-fives. That made me happy!

a pedialyte popsicle for dessert... following a spaghetti dinner (in case you couldn't guess)
Playing with bubbles with Elena
Enjoying his first corn on a cob- he ate an ENTIRE corn on a cob plus another quarter of his dad's... & had a little stomach ache later

Playing with sticks with Hudson at the park

sitting by Rebekah during our picnic at the park

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