
What I Love...

I really love when God knocks me over the head with a memory & I see how He has been faithful to us! I love that many of the things I am currently working with Will on & disciplining him for are also things that I once wondered if he could even do. You can bet that I am smiling inside & can't wait to tell his various therapists even when on the outside I'm disciplining him for something like pulling my hair really hard or practically running away from me.
When I was pregant & we were living with such great fear, I have a vivid memory of sitting with Reagan at our dining room table. He voiced a great hope that someday we would see Will running circles around us while we tried to eat. Tonight, I saw that hope become our reality! Some friends took us to dinner at one of the country clubs & fortunately, there was no one else eating in the little area where we were. Because the service was extremely slow (only 3 tables in the restaurant full but it took an hour to get our food), we let our two boys (Will & a 2 1/2 yr old) get up & run around in our area. It just hit me - it's happening! While we sat at a dinner table, our son ran around gleefully! God is faithful & my heart is so full!

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