Last Thursday, Will & I had the honor & privilege of meeting a celebrity - Kyle Maynard!
About a month ago, on that really bad day I blogged about, my mom located Kyle's mom for me & connected us via email. We've emailed frequently since then - sometimes several times a day!
She has so encouraged my heart!
When I was pregnant, someone gave my dad Kyle's book, No Excuses, & my dad loaned it to us. We quickly read it & were amazed at all Kyle had accomplished (world records in weight lifting, college wrestling, authoring & publishing a book, attended & wrestled at a major university, modeled for A & F, etc!) He recently opened his own gym and does personal training. He owns his own home & he drives his own car and can quickly dial someone on his Blackberry. Don't even ask me how he does that - he did it so fast I didn't have time to figure it out. (His mom wishes he wouldn't drive & call people at the same time!) He is a typical 25 year old guy - except that his attitude about life is atypical. He's quite the celebrity & I was more than a little "starstruck!"
Oh, & did I mention that he is a quad congenital amputee... like Will!!!
I loved Kyle's attitude in his book & I knew that much of that came from the values his parents & grandparents taught him. I have often asked myself how Kyle or his mom might have handled a particular issue we have dealt with. Now, I can just email or call them & ask directly! Kyle had some really great advice & I loved getting to ask some of my tougher questions to a male who is old enough to answer them & who has lived them himself!
Kyle has met lots of celebrites & been on several major shows such as Oprah & Larry King Live. He's won athletic awards from ESPN. He is a motivational speaker who travels all over the USA. Of course, he's quite the celebrity in our house- Will even calls him by name (& enjoys looking at his picture with Kyle!) There is a documentary currently being made about Kyle & his accomplishments. The guy filming it came to Kyle's gym to document Kyle & Will meeting. Don't worry - I'll let you know when it is released! I know I'll be buying a copy (or a few!!!)
Kyle's parents also surprised my parents (who were present as well) by inviting his grandmother to our meeting! It was so fun to have all 3 generations of their family along with 3 generations of our family in one room. We were able to ask lots of questions and hear answers from so many perspectives.
Already, Kyle has been so impactful in Will's life & ours. As a Christian man who is also a competive athlete & who has lived a life without limits, I believe he has had & will continue to have a great influence on Will. I hope that he & Will will continue to have some sort of relationship & that Kyle will be able to mentor Will through challenges & victories to come.
Thank you, Maynards, for taking time to meet with us. You have blessed us more than you know!

What a great mother's day present for me to meet both Kyle & his mom!!!
As she & I hugged, & I cried, I was able to tell her how great it is to meet a mom who "gets it," who is in my world. I'm so thankful for her advice & encouragment. Thank you, Anita!

Kyle & Will wrestled lots!
Will enjoyed having a feet fight with Kyle

2 thoughts:
Thanks for sharing your trip and heart with us Katie!
How precious are these pictures with Kyle & Will. They are two handsome blondes huh?
Still amazes me how agile Will is and just all over the place.
I love the picture of you and Kyle and his mom and LOVEEEEEEEEE THE picture of you in green kissing Will--what a framer! :) I have no doubts Will will be a fighter and no excuses guy like Kyle. What a blessing to have them in your lives.
Makes me want to come see you so bad! Maybe I'll look at flights too. :)
Talk to you soon---get some rest!
love, ejw
How completely awesome!
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