We flew to Atlanta & drove north to South Carolina to celebrate Claire's graduation from Clemson!
I've known the Salisbury family my entire life. My dad & John (pictured below with Will) have been best friends since kindergarten. Though we've never lived in the same state, we took yearly camping/white water canoeing trips together along with John's wife's twin sister's family (Granberrys- pictures are below of them too). Our three families became so close that often the kids were confused as to were actually cousins. Will & Reagan & I have stayed with the Granberrys before on our Dallas trips & have been so thankful for their hospitality. The Salisburys & Granberrys have all traveled to my college graduation, my wedding (Claire was a bridesmaid), & even to Will's race!
When I lived briefly in Guatemala (summer of 1999) & visited subsquently, I stayed with the Salisburys, who were serving as missionaries at the time. Claire, who is exactly 6 years younger than me to the day, has always been like a precious sister to me.
The Salisburys invited us to her college graduation from Clemson (majored in occupational therapy & is going to get her masters.... I hope she'll be working with Will someday!) and they treated us to 2 nights at some wonderful cabins in the woods of SC. It was beautiful and, as always, I so enjoyed spending time with the Salisburys & Granberrys & laughing lots (not to mention getting hair styling lessons from younger, more "with it" girls)!
My Dad & John have been best friends for 49 years!!!
Claire (the graduate) & Will - who had just seranaded her with his kazoo at her party
Claire & I after the graduation ceremony at Clemson
Everyone at Clemson (minus Will & his Lovie who were taking naps back at the cabin)
Another state for Will! (And a beautiful one too!)
The border of GA & SC... not a great picture but, folks, that's natural water. Oh, I miss large bodies of water - we just don't have them out here in the Frontier (unless you count the Duck Pond!)

My dad (Cookie), Jim Granberry, Will, & John Salisbury Thursday night at the sushi restaurant
Audrey, the youngest of the Salisbury girls, is another precious almost sister of mine. She just completed her freshman year of college at Montreat. She loved playing cars with Will although she had to readjust her thinking - she was used to playing with girls & Will's constant crashing & tossing of the cars was a little different for her! (I told her he was not allowed to hit people but he could hit or kick a car!)
The infamous "cheesy face" given on command in the airplane

Elvia became a member of the Salisbury family about 7 years ago and she has such an incredible story of the power of adoption. She lived at the children's home where they served as missionaries in Guatemala. I knew her before she was a Salisbury & love getting to see her all the time as a Salisbury. She graduates this December from Gardner-Webb University after finishing her student teaching.
She was WONDERFUL with Will last weekend! She's also become another precious friend (almost like a little sister) over the last 10 years!

(Notice that big smile on his face... he is such a flirt!)
L-R: Debra, Elvia, Ainslee, Audrey, Will, me, Claire, & Colette

Remember last Christmas, when Will learned how to roll down a hill (thanks to the instructions given him by GAC & GUS?) He randomly started doing it in GA last weekend! Clearly, he's hill deprived out here in the Frontier.
Except, he didn't always go down the hill... sometimes he went across it.
(Remember, scroll to the bottom of the blog & hit pause on the music playlist to hear Will in the video.)
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