
When in Russia...

Clearly, I need to learn the following phrase:
"That's just how God made him! Isn't that neat?"
in Russian...
& maybe all the rest of the foreign languages I don't speak too.
While playing at the park this evening, a little girl who I'm guessing was Russian & for sure didn't speak Texan kept pointing at Will's hands & feet, grabbing them, & then comparing them to her own. But I couldn't understand a word she said. Will apparently figured out she was talking about him too (hard not to when you're being grabbed) as he raised his leg & said "feet" over & over. Maybe he thought she just hadn't learned her body parts yet so he was trying to educate her.
I really wish I knew Russian tonight - I was at a loss... literally... for words!
Note to self: Prior to taking Will to any foreign country, or apprarently, to our neighborhood park here in the Frontier of TX, be able to translate the above statement into the necessary language.
Oh - the things I learn as I parent Will!

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