Every time we visit the Vietnam War Memorial, we do a rubbing of our family friend's son/brother who was killed serving our country. This time, Will did the rubbing of Orville C. Rogers, Jr. It was rather emotional for all of us even though we never knew him. We are so grateful for those who serve our country & their families.

Is it just me or does it seem that Will is mimicking the gorillas he saw earlier in the day by picking through my hair?
At one point, he walked up to the base of President Lincoln & said, "hold you!" It was really cute- he wanted to sit in his lap, I guess!

Will & I posing in front of the Washington Monument... or as Will lovingly referred to it:
"the Big Baseball Bat!"
That's right, the son of a history teacher thinks that the Washington Monument is our nation's monument to baseball.
Oh well, at least baseball is the national pastime, right?

Practicing his swing for the "Big Baseball Bat!"

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