
Good night, Christy - Canada part 1

On Saturday, we spent the evening touring Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island (more to come in a day or 2 about that) & then we experienced the very cool fireworks show at the gardens. In August on Saturdays, they hold a spectacular fireworks show unlike any I've seen before. It was choreographed with 1940's style music and had the normal up in the sky "wow" fireworks. But, it also had a series of fireworks at ground level & many almost seemed like a neat form of animation - with a cat & mouse chase scene, for instance. It was very cool to be in cool weather & snuggled up on a blanket watching fireworks while drinking coffee & chai lattes in Canada!
THis was very cool - those are fireworks streaming down to look like a waterfall (although both Jennifer & I originally thought it was supposed to look like rain.) Isn't that beautiful?

One of the opening scenes- isn't it beautiful how the fireworks behind the trees made them light up?!?

R & I enjoying the fireworks show at Butchart Gardens

Our group just before we boarded our ferry (aka: our pretend cruise ship) for the trip back to WA. That's our hotel in the background

at the fireworks show & snuggled up on our $4 mylar blanket
there is something wonderful and a little weird about watching fireworks in jackets & fleeces, not sweating at all, & not hearing the National Anthem (of course, they might have played the Canadian national anthem but I only know the first line so I have no idea...)
What I do know is,
(Anyone have any idea what this means??? It was the last part of the fireworks show & we were just baffled! No one around us seemed the least bit fazed so perhaps it is a common phrase in Canada. We pondered this throughout the remainder of our trip. Any Canadian readers out there- help a TX girl out!)
in the "Italian Garden" at Butchart Gardens

Michael & R on the stone pathway in the "Japanese Garden"

In the Japanese Garden at Butchart Gardens, Victoria Island, British Colombia, Canada

Reagan & a Giant Redwood - oh to have such trees (or really, any natural trees - I'm not picky!)out here in the Frontier

Where There's a WILL, There's a Way t-shirt makes it to Canada!

After arriving on Victoria Island in Canda (after our 3 hour "cruise" on the ferry), we headed to lunch at a tiny little "restaurant" (that might be a stretch) which is housed on the dock in a freight compartment- see below.
(Based on their expressions, I don't think R, Michael, or Jennifer had any idea I was taking their photo!)
It is called "Red Fish Blue Fish" & basically served fish & chips or fish tacos along with a side of fried pickles. It was very fried & very YUMMY!
The line was super long & the food was delicious. Being in a freight compartment, there were not real tables- rather, we sat on the side of the dock & ate on these little wooden makeshift tables.

Our beautiful hotel: The Empress, overlooking the port

Jennifer & I - The Birthday Girls... although only one of us (ie: her!) is in their 30's! It was lovely to be the only one of our group still in her 20's! Naturally, I frequently reminded them of this- you know, since they are older their memories might be going! ;)

2 thoughts:

Scott & Shelby Peschel said...

Gorgeous gardens! Looks like so much fun. And here's to still being 29! I feel like it is a fake sounding age though when people ask how old I am ... enjoy your last year of 20's! :)

Laura said...

Looks like so much fun, Katie. Love seeing the pics and I'm glad you guys had such a fun trip. Also, thanks for my birthday message a couple of weeks ago...here's to one more year in our twenties :-)

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