

Some smiles at the Pumpkin Patch
We met some friends yesterday after swim class at McDonald's & then headed to the Pumpkin Patch to attempt some fun pictures. Will was not to interested in making my dream of a perfect picture of him & his friends in their fall colors come true:

Mr. Happy

an attempt at a group photo-

that would be Will face down crying on the ground.... Look who's teething:

It's like pure joy is just radiating off of him...

my little turkey:

Every year, I take Will in his costume to Daddy's office to surprise him. Today, since he was already in costume for trick or treating at the library, it was the perfect opportunity. Will was very into surprising Daddy (even though I had to tell Daddy to see if he would be available- but he pretended!)

Trick or Treating at the Library today:
Will was so cute- sometimes saying, "Trick or Treat" but usually saying, (as the candy was being offered), "YES, PLEASE!" Precious!

Making a craft with friends at the library

At Awanas last night, the theme was Biblical costumes. Will went as Genesis 1:1 (in the "Big Inning!") & I went as the tree in our memory passage- Psalm 1.
I've loved getting so much use out of his costume this year- every bit of my money's worth (especially since it was FREE to me!!! He already has baseball shirts & hats & gear & he inherited the baseball pants from his older, baseball playing cousins!)
At McDonald's before our pumpkin patch trip, I couldn't resist a picture of the shoe caddy...
It's one of those little reminders that our normal is not like anyone else's! I could cry but I choose to laugh...
I mean, how cute are those zancos sticking out?!?!
The mom & kids picture went much smoother than the kids only picture.

The kids only picture & Will escaping:

3 thoughts:

Scott & Shelby Peschel said...

Love the zancos pic! Too cute! My kids were the same way at the pumpkin patch - who wants to take pictures when there is so much fun to be had? He's is cutie either way!!!

Jo Anna said...

i LOVE that Will is wearing the Yankees cap for his costume! such fun and funny pictures!

Michael & Jennifer said...

I'm so glad to have a friend whose kid (like my own) doesn't want to cooperate at the pumpkin patch...so frustrating, but funny pictures!

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