
Weekly Willisms

Some of the funny & perhaps even profound things Will has said lately:
  • "I'm a man. You're not a lady, Mommy; you're a mommy!"
  • "God & Jesus like to look at cowboys, like Cowboy Woody. God & Jesus made things like the horse- Jesus made the tail & God made the neigh" (referring to the sound the horse makes.)
  • "Mommy, why can't I see God & Jesus? Where are they?" This was an interesting one to try & answer for my 2 year old! He actually seems to be pondering this a lot lately as today in the car on our way to church he asked again where Jesus is.
  • While praying the other night, "Thank you for making cowcooks." Yes, he does enjoy eating beef.
  • He has recently begun to notice marketing ads aimed at kids & likes to inform us that he has "never had a toy like that!" Or, often he will state, "I want ... for my birthday when I will turn 3!" (Bless his heart- the concept that his birthday is 6 months away is a little hard to grasp!) The other day in the car, he was telling me about 3 different toys he wanted for his birthday & I decided I had had enough. I want him to be thankful for what he does have- he has a playroom and a yard full of toys! So, I asked him what he has right now that he is thankful for. His immediate answer - "I have Jesus." Yep, that silenced me.
  • While pretending to be a t-rex today in the car, I squealed & said, "Save me!" He replied, "Mommy, Daddy will save you but he's at the office. But, he'll come home soon and then you will be safe."
  • "My favorite color is purple, blue, & red." (Just like his mama, he can't just have 1 favorite!)

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