
Announcing the News!

Will delivered some pink flowers out of our yard to his Honey & G-Dad to announce the news of baby Ellie

My mom knows how important a "creative" announcement is too me - from announcing my pregnancices to announcing the gender at the birth. She also knows I have grieved not being able to do delivery like I imagined- with Will running down the halls to tell our waiting family whether he had a brother or sister.
Thankfully, when I was incapable of being creative, she went to the store, bought blue & pink balloons, & told me how I could announce it to her & my dad using them. I appreciated her thoughtfulness- I am thankful she helped me make it a celebration!

Will rang the doorbell & when Lovie came out, he was holding both balloons. I had managed to tie the pink one to a weight so he released the blue one & she knew right away! (My dad wasn't here but we filmed it & sent it to him.)

We also told our siblings over the weekend but our computer crashed & I'm not sure where those pictures are!

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