
At the Old Baseball Game!

Will was given a Red Sox finger to hold up during the game & he LOVED it! He calls it his red hand.
Our names on the big screen - wow!

Finally, Will put his glove down & got serious about catching a fly ball. Here's his "catching" position

After his big Wally surprise, he kept having his 2 Wally dolls kiss. Not sure why.
(The big Wally was given to him by Anne, the Fenway Ambassador, & the little Wally was autographed by Wally when he came to visit Will.) Both have joined "everybody" in his crib for nap time & night time.

One week earlier, he was terrified by the Easter Bunny. However, during the 4th inning, when Wally the Green Monster made a special trip to Will's seat just to see him - not scared at all. He had talked for weeks about giving Wally a high-five & it was a dream come true! He high-fived him & said, "I love you, Wally!" Precious!
Wally gave him some autographed stuff & Will hasn't stopped talking about the experience.

High-fiving Wally (above) & perhaps a little star-struck shock below
Talking to Wally

My boys loving their baseball

Kissing Wallies

Love these boys

Will was getting pretty tired by this point - but he really hung in there!

Whenever someone walked by with a NY Yankees shirt or hat on, Will would roar at them. It was rather humorous that this little TX boy would be so loyal to the B's! (He even has a Yankees hat sent to him by some family in NYC & yet, he was loyal to the team who was treating him! :)

Getting delirious
& showing off the sign we made:
"Will from TX says 'Go Boston B's'"
Bet there weren't too many other kids who showed their team spirit on their prosthetics!
The B sticker eventually wore off... the socks are still going strong!
On Yawkey Way

This was one of my favorite moments of the game. During the 7th inning stretch, Will really got into the stretching. He took the instructions to stretch quite seriously!
He also loved the singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
It's one of his favorite songs. We sing it nightly at bedtime & he often uses the tune to sing about other things as well - like pirates.
He loved when thousands were singing it together.
What a Night! We are blessed!

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