
Ellie in my Belly - 25 weeks

Love this one! Her eyes are open & looking right at us! So cool to watch!

I saw Ellie again this morning. I've lost track of the number of ultrasounds we've had but I do know that I need to begin album #2 of her ultrasound pictures!
It was fun to watch her open her eyes today & we were fortunate enough to catch some on camera!
She measured at 1 pound, 11 oz - 55% percentile.
Her length also came in around the 55% percentile.
No real news- still no scalp/facial edema (praise the Lord), no real difference in joints, masses still visible in liver, heart, & stomach
No diagnosis or even good working theories as to causes or treatment options
Still beautiful & completely charmed me with those big, pale eyes - green or blue perhaps?!?!? And the cutest button nose ever.
And a cute little bottom.
And maybe Will's cheeks? So cute!
And I definitely lay there this morning & dreamed about which pink dress/gown she should wear first & if they would allow me to change her often during those first few hours.

I was concerned because her fetal movement has seemed to decrease over the last 3 days - thank goodness for my home doppler for reassurance of life! She did move some today - again, mostly rolls or little squirms but she was moving slightly. I'm supposed to start kick counts now but her standard is a bit different - 1 in a 30 minute time frame versus 4.

I will continue to see our local perinatolgist every week to check on Ellie.
Will & I leave tomorrow (Wed) for Dallas for doctors' appointments for everybody.

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