
In the Air Again...

Will & I are off... again.
Flight number 962. Just kidding. More like #130 perhaps for Will? I've lost count.
We leave tonight & return tomorrow night.
Will will be heading to Scottish Rite for an alignment fitting of his new prosthetics. This is approximately a 4 hour appointment (with some breaks.) He will be going with my dad (Cookie) as I have Ellie appointments. It will be my first time to not be with him for an appointment & I am really struggling with this. He will not get his new prosthetics yet - maybe another 2-3 weeks? Please pray it goes smoothly for him & that his new zancos will be ready soon - his little legs are really aching!
Ellie & I are going to Baylor Medical for a fetal echochardiogram & high level ultrasound with our Dallas perinatologist - Dr. M. Dr. M. coordinated Will's delivery (with Dr. G.) & we really liked him. Dr. M. was so compassionate & sensitive to our wishes and made everything go as smoothly as possible. I believe he will again coordinate Ellie's delivery & hopefully we can make some of those decisions again tomorrow. We're hoping he can get Dr. G to deliver Ellie too as well as some of our same people from Will's birth.
Mostly, I am hoping for some answers and maybe a diagnosis of some sort - or at least a treatment plan. My local perinatologist (Dr. B.) will be headed to Dallas on Friday to meet with Dr. M & discuss several cases - including Ellie. I'm hoping that between their brilliant brains, they can figure this out! Yesterday, Dr. B mentioned that Ellie is really challenging him. I told him I didn't want him to get bored so we are making sure with our children that he puts his medical degree to good use!
I'm guessing that someone out there is praying for my peace amidst a lack of answers. Thank you, whoever you are. I realized today that while I still feel as though I am on a balance beam or a see-saw- wavering back and forth between hope & despair, it doesn't feel nearly as precarious as it did in April. I've so wanted and prayed for answers and we just aren't getting them. So, I'm thinking that someone must be praying for our hearts in the midst of no answers. Thank you - unimaginably, I'm somehow feeling a peace (at least today) with the lack of answers. (No promises that I'll feel that same peace tomorrow - or even an hour from now!)

For fun, in Dallas, I will be taking Ellie to a local butterfly garden & then to see Little House on the Prairie on stage! I've been reading it out loud to her as it was the book that first popped into my head when I realized I might not ever get to read to her. So, I'm doing it now. I hope to read it a thousand more times to her in the future. I'm so looking forward to taking her to the show after our appointments!

1 thoughts:

Kara said...

Sending you my very best thoughts and prayers today. Hope you both have good appointments. Don't worry too much about missing Will's appt....as mom's for whatever the reason , we sometimes have to let others take over for us and he seems like he will be in great hands. Hoping you get a few answers and solutions!

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