
plus 4

I forgot to add these Willisms to "the List" below...
(I blame my forgetfulness about EVERYTHING on sleep deprivation & stress & an insane number of suitcases.)

7.  Me:  "Will, guess what's for dinner?  Pepperoni pizza!!!" (Thank you, Jenny C.!)
Will:  "Yay!  Wow!  I love pizza!  But, Mom?  I was kind of wanting salmon tonight.  I just kind of felt like fish for dinner."
Me:  "Well, we're having pizza."  (and you're gonna like it!)
Seriously, is he 3 or 30???

8.  (On an interstate recently in the car with his Lovie in Dallas)
Will:  "Lovie, slow down.  I can't read all the signs when you drive so fast so please slow down!"

9.  This morning:  "Mommy, I really miss being the number 2 - you know, like how I was before my pirate party?"

10.  "Dear God, thank you for my [Frontier town] house, my Tyler house (where his grandparents live) & my Dallas condo."  Sweet boy - he thinks he has three houses.  Probably like how Angelina Jolie's kids must feel.  Except theirs are mansions all over the world.  And the locations probably have nothing to do with proximity to children's hospitals.  And seriously, do they ever have transition issues?
At least he is thankful for so many houses... and is lucky that he has a big boy room in each one!  Wonder if Angelina's kids have big kid rooms in each of their homes...

1 thoughts:

Camo and Pearls said...

I Love the Willisms! So Cute!

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