
The List & Other Willisms

I need to smile so here's some recent "Willisms:"

1.  Meet Will's "List" (see above picture)
Me- Will, what are you going to get painted on your face today at the arboretum?"
Will- "I don't know. Let me check my list."
me- what is on your list?
Will-" toys like bullseye. Check."
cracks us up carrying his list everywhere and marking "checks" next to things.  No idea where he gets a list making obsession at such an early age. :)

2.  "Mommy and Daddy, when I grow up I'm going to be a [Coast Guard] rescue swimmer.  But who will get me out of bed in the morning and make my breakfast?"  Nice to know we've brainwashed him on the no getting out of bed rule so much so that he assumes when he is in his twenties I will still be there to give him permission to get up!  (Does this mean that I can move next door to him?  Not that I would ever do that.  Except I might totally be planning to.)

3.  "Mommy, at school today a girl chased me and tried to kiss me and said, 'Will is cute!'"

4.  After throwing himself down on the floor, arms splayed and eyes closed, "I'm not alive!"
(This summer, after playing with some kids, Will came home using the words "dead" and "kill" for the first time while playing.  I immediately made those words forbidden in  play.  Maybe I'm going overboard - I know he's a boy... but at the time, I was pregnant with a very high risk baby who we were told may have a terminal diagnosis.  While Will knew his baby sister was sick and that she might not come to our house with us but might live with Jesus, who didn't fully understand what this all meant.  Nor did we fully explain it to him because there were so many unknowns with Ellie... we just wanted to open his mind up to sort of prepare him just in case.  Basically, because of what was going on in our lives, I didn't want him to associate the words "dead" or "kill" with play.  I needed him to be able to grasp the severity of those terms.  So, they are no no words in our home.
Which is why I cracked up yesterday when he yelled, "I'm not alive!" instead of "I'm dead."  Clever little stinker, isn't he?

5.  "Mommy, I'm playing so get out of my room!"  He got in BIG trouble for this disrespectful comment.  So, later, he tried to modify it with, "I'm playing in my room and somebody needs to leave please."  Nice try, buddy but that doesn't work either.

6.  "There's poop on my poop deck."  (referring to bird poop on his pirate ship.)

2 thoughts:

Jo Anna said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! The last two made me crack up! "Somebody" needs to leave...so hilarious!

Christie M said...

LOLOL.... "somebody needs to leave my room" He is a hoot!

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