
Mom's Group in Heaven

I have a mom's group.  It's a precious group of women who have prayed for my babies, who have helped me figure out motherhood - feeding and scheduling and discipline.  We've laughed and cried together.  I love my mom's group.
This morning, on our way to church, R & I were discussing the birth of Jesus.  Having experienced childbirth, we've noticed that Luke seems to leave out some key details.  It always seems like it was such a peaceful experience.
I'm sure it was.  But, since Jesus was fully God yet fully human, I'm sure there was pain.  And, goodness, Mary gave birth in a stable.  A STABLE.  Not a 5 star inn.  Not a 1 star inn.  Not her home.  Outside.  In a stable.  In hay.  Ouch.
And was she prepared?  Did she have hot water available?  Did she labor long?  Was it a sterile environment?  Did she demand quiet from Joseph and the animals also in the stable?   Did she have nausea in her labor?  Did she deliver in daylight?  I'm sure she was modest in front of Joseph.  She was a virgin and a newlywed.  Did he have any clue what to do?  He was a carpenter - not a doctor or even a farmer who may have helped deliver animals.  Did he go for a midwife?  Did Mary like the midwife?  She was just visiting Bethlehem.  How scared she must have been - new mom, new husband, new city, didn't know her midwife.  No friends around.  No mom or mother in law to help her.  And let's not forget she had just been riding a donkey on a journey.  Not so comfortable.  I rode in a car for 6 hours the day before delivering Will & I was tired.  The woman rode a DONKEY.
Was Mary able to bathe Jesus afterwards?  Did he cry loudly?  Was she comfortable?  Was nursing easy for her?  Did neighbors bring her meals?  Did the shepherds give her a little break to rest before showing up to visit?
Did she cuddle that newborn babe and admire him completely?  Could she take her eyes off him for even a second as she marveled at him?  What was his weight?  Was his skin so soft?  What color were his eyes at first?  What about his hair?  Did he make cute little noises?  Was she amazed at the power of instant love between a mom and a new baby?  Did she find herself praising God and then realize He was in her arms?
Did that thought make her heart stop?

Tonight, I'm hoping a friend who recently gave birth with a midwife will come to mom's group.  It's her turn to share her birth story.  I'm sure we all will ask lots of questions.  It's what we do.

And someday, in Heaven, do you think there might be a giant mom's group of millions of women?  Maybe we can get Mary's perspective on what it was like to deliver the King of kings?  I know that I, for one, have lots of questions!

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