

Will had his 3 year well check yesterday.  Both kids did so great- we spent nearly 2 1/2 hours at the pediatrician's!  I am thankful Ellie is so flexible as I noticed it was nap time & laid her in her carseat & off she dozed.
Will is doing very well - developmentally right on target or just ahead in every area.
His stats:  weight is 28 pounds (just can't seem to break that 30 lb barrier!)
height is 35 inches.

It was a decently good no appointment - no immediate concerns or follow ups needed.
However, the doctor is concerned about his lack of growth in last 16 months.  Will is extremely active & burns extra calories just to keep moving & maintain balance.
He is also not a big eater.  They asked if he was picky - he is not really a picky eater & eats a great variety of foods - loves fish & asparagus & fruits & veggies... not a huge bread fan.

So, if he doesn't grow some more by age 4, we may have to run some tests for a possible thyroid disorder of lack of human growth hormone.  This isn't our first time to have this concern - I think around 18 months we had the same concerns & ran the blood work then.  He squeaked by in the "normal" category.

And, just so you don't think we're being hung up on tall vs short... it's more serious than that.  HGH can affect cardio system as well as bone density - so kind of a big deal but treatable with daily injections. (ugh)  The thyroid also is significant but treatable if caught.

Ironically, Will shows us every morning how tall he grew overnight.  And he always reassures me that even though he is growing so tall, "I'll always kiss you and hug you and cuddle you, Mommy."

I'm actually praying he does hit a growth spurt this year.

2 thoughts:

Christie M said...

HGH is serious business! Just a few thoughts:
Is Will so tiny he is not on the charts?
He appears to be healthy and HAPPY! :)
In measurement of height and weight, are they taking into consideration his loss of feet and hands?

It is said that a child who has limb difference utilizes about 25% more calories than the average person.
I believe this to be true, considering we have 2 limb differenced children at home.

We do have a friend who utilized GHT... and now, her daughter is uninsurable. Her husband changed jobs and the new insurance company would not accept their daughter on insurance BECAUSE she used GHT.
I would seriously look into it, BEFORE you even try it IF, it is deemed as a possibility.

On a side note: Will wears bilateral prosthetics! He can be as tall as he wants to be when he grows up! :)

Katie - a Blessed Mommy! said...

He is on the charts- barely. I think they are doing it based on percentages & minimum growth expectations - so it's not his actual height that is the issue but the lack of minimum growth requirements. Hopefully, he'll hit a growth spurt & shoot up this year! He is in age appropriate clothes.
Good to know about GHT - thanks for that info! I'm hoping it is not an issue & that we slide on by like he did at 18 mts.
yes, we laugh frequently that we'll be sure to get his zancos sized the same as R's feet so that they can eventually share shoes. :) Perks, right?

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