
The Nativity Story According to Will

May your Christmas be full of love, hope, joyand wonder at a God who would humble Himself to come to us as baby - a Savior born to die.

And for those of you hurting today - those of you spending your first Christmas without a loved one, those of you in painful circumstances, those of you who know you will soon say goodbye to a dear one, those of you who have buried precious babies this year, those of you carrying babies with poor diagnoses, and our friend, Audrie, who remains in ICU, know that you are thought of and prayed for today...

1 thoughts:

Gardening with Juanita said...

That was wonderful I am so glad he knows it is Jesus's birthday and not Santa. I taught a Sunday Class of 2 year old boys and girls . I asked whose's birthday was on Christmas. A set of twains that were in church every time the doors were opened, I knew would know it was Jesus's birthday answered my question with Ho Ho Ho and I said No No No

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