
Oscar and Hope

My mom and I took a very spontaneous "mystery road trip" with my kids this weekend. Pictures coming soon.
But we made sure that we watched the historic run by Oscar Pistorius- a bilateral amputee- yesterday morning.
Oscar placed second in his heat. Despite years of controversy ad testing, Oscar was finally allowed to compete in the Olympics- wearing prosthetics.
And he placed second- making him a serious competitor.
We cheered. I cried.
Will cheered too but he didn't get the significance.
And my heart soared.
Because to my boy, an amputee running in the Olympics is no big deal to my son, who participates in Kung fu, soccer, swimming, and school as the only amputee, this seems normal. To my son, why wouldn't a man with prosthetics compete right alongside those without.
And so I am filled with hope. Just maybe, my child will grow up in a world where those with disabilities are given the same opportunities and rights and value as those without.
As the NBC commentator noted, "having a disability does not mean having a disadvantage."
My thoughts exactly.

Though we watch the Olympics religiously and cheer for the USA...
When Oscar runs there will be cheers and shouts of "Go Oscar!!" in our home!

3 thoughts:

Mrs. Jenk said...

We cheered for Oscar and Will, too!

Elizabeth Nicole said...

Ah I watched him too and thought of your beautiful kiddos! I just love reading Katie, you're such an amazing mother. Liz

ywilbur said...

I never thought of it that way. Interesting. I actually missed Oscar's live run but we watched on Youtube! JK seems so unimpressed with other people who have missing limbs. I'm always like 'look what he/she can do!' and he is like 'eh'. I get weepy watching Dolphin Tale and he could care less about the movie. For me Dolphin Tale has not only prosthetic but adoption issues covered as it uses the phrase 'a family is forever'.

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