
Crab Hunting & Beach Ball

Will was a bit tired this morning & actually fell asleep on Lovie for an hour - which she loved!
Will learned the hard way today that when throwing a temper tantrum on the beach, one should not throw their head forward into the sand.

Will got to pet a fish today that was caught near us - he calls all fish "nemos."

watching the boats ("bye bye boats!")

Most kids enjoy popsicles on the beach. Will prefers a cold pickle.

This morning, Will decided he had it with his zancos & so threw a part in the toilet. In his defense, they no longer fit which is why he gets blisters. In fact, it has become very difficult for him to walk in them - his legs just don't go all the way down so they are very wobbly & uncomfortable. I'm told it will be 4-6 weeks before his new ones are ready - rather frustrating for a toddler to have to go without his shoes!
I did explain that throwing things in the toilet is a "no no." He said "shoes bath." Apparently, he thought the zanco part needed to be clean. Oh, toddlerhood.
(disclaimer- I am well aware of the cost of zancos & the effort put into them to create them for Will. However, the toilet water was clean & therefore did not hurt the zancos.)
Giving mommy sweet kisses on the dunes yesterday

Watching the sunset last night... in our matching outfits (yes, I'm a dork I know but it's not like I can do this much longer!)
Three Generations
Will & his Lovie
Behind a waterfall at the put-put course yesterday
We played put-put yesterday in an even shorter game than last time. It was rather hot, Will can not really walk in his zancos anymore & there were lots of loud water features.

Happy boy playing with his trucks in the sand

Chasing more "e-gulls."

Will now loves the ocean & begs to go "wimming." He giggles & loves jumping the waves & swimming between us. He especially loves to take his net (he calls it his "bat") & animals which we throw out & then swim to rescue. He also loves catching seaweed "worms" in his net. And of course, he sometimes takes big drinks.
I'm just glad he likes it now so I can keep him cool!
He's also learned a new skill in the pool & with just a bit of guidance, can jump into the pool & then turn to swim to the steps & climb out. It keeps him very busy! He hates leaving the pool & the beach & says in a very sad voice, "bye- bye boats," bye-bye kids," "bye-bye moon," "bye- bye nemos," & bye-bye wimming" (for the pool).
His newest trick - he puts diving rings on his legs & struts around

We caught a stone crab!

The other night, since Will had taken a 4 hour nap, we let him stay up just a bit to go crab hunting. It was his first time hunting crabs & he loved it! I can't wait to do it with you here, R!
He would hold the flashlight & wave it around & then when we caught one, I'd lift the net up & Will would swing his hand at the crab to send it flying to it's freedom (or death perhaps) & yell loudly, "Bye-Bye Crab!" It was hilarious!
(ps- we only let him touch the harmless sand crabs, not the scary stone crab!)
Sweet hugs on the beach during crab hunting
Playing together on the beach
This precious outfit was worn by Will's Uncle Adam - 25 years ago!
It's red, white, & blue so was perfect for Memorial Day!

Will loves to play "bat ball" & obviously doesn't need a bat to play. He can be quite resourceful. He has very specific rules although he doesn't tell them to the other player. He expects them to know the rules & he gets somewhat upset when they break them. As far as I can tell, the rules to the game (which I play daily!) are:
Everyone needs a bat but there can only be one ball. Golf clubs, baseball bats, nets, & even sticks work.
Will must wear his hat a certain way & will often spend time rearranging the hat. He prefers for other players to wear hats but doesn't require it.
The ball must be hit back & forth between him & the other player. If it goes out of reach, it is the responsibility of the other player to go after it... unless it is within about 10 feet of Will. There should be a great deal of clapping & yelling of "horray" upon good hits! If one forgets to cheer, Will reminds the player saying, "mommy, clap!" (hmmm - am I raising him to be performance driven???)

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