
Prayer Please Now!

Once again we are begging you to join us in praying for Ellie.
We had another ultrasound today. With the exception of an hour break for lunch, I've been in various doctor's offices from 8:30-4:15.
Ellie is now showing fluid in her abdomen. We had packed to go to the beach tomorrow for a much needed respite. Our doctor said no. He will check her Thursday to see if the fluid continues to progress- it may be an early sign of heart failure.
He sent me to the labor & delivery wing of a local hospital today to begin steroid shots. I will take another one tomorrow afternoon to help stabilize her lungs & brain.
Ellie did not pass her first breathing test but she did pass her second one today. I laid there in tears for the first test - 30 minutes long- begging her & God to let her do her breathing exercises.
Finally, she passed the second test.
If on Thursday, the fluid in her abdomen is gone, we can go to the beach for 3 days - the doctor will check her again on Tuesday.
If it is not gone, he will send me to Dallas this week for hospital bedrest & 24 hour monitoring & potential delivery as early as Friday. I am 26 weeks pregnant. He said if he was seeing this in a term baby, he would have the baby delivered today.
At 26 weeks pregnant, it becomes a "balancing act" as to weighing the risks & benefits to the baby for early delivery/preemie + sick baby versus potential in utero death.
I haven't broken the news yet to Will that he might not go to the beach. I'm off to pack a hospital bag now. I need to call a photographer to be on call just in case we deliver early.
I am a wreck. I became dizzy & saw black earlier- nearly fainted at one point today - doctor suggested possible anxiety related or low blood sugar. Blood pressure is quite low, oddly enough.
I feel as though someone is standing beside me with a mallet & banging it into my head. I feel crushed under the weight. I feel like I can't catch a breath. I so want to take Ellie to the beach & that seems to be getting ripped out from under me. I want to carry her longer under my heart- perhaps that is being ripped from me too. I'm told I can't hold her this early - they would take her from me & intubate her.
Please pray the fluid would disappear in her abdomen by Thursday morning at 8:30am
Thank you

13 thoughts:

Meg said...

oh katie i love reading your blog and just felt led to check it. i promise promise promise to be praying. of course for ellie but for YOU...for peace and comfort and clarity. begging God to remove to fluid and let you take ellie to the beach. expecting miracles!

Cyndi said...


How I feel your heart breaking through your writing. I am praying that God will do a miracle to bring Ellie healing and also that His comfort will surround your whole family to bring peace that passes all understanding!

The Petro Family said...

God bless you Katie and your family! You don't know me and I'm a friend of a friend but I started following your blog when Will was born. My son was born in July of 2007 and I recently experienced a miscarriage at Christmas, so I sincerely sympathize with you. I was due in August as well. My heart is breaking for you and I pray for your comfort and for the comfort of sweet Ellie. I am such a worry wart when it comes to my child, and I recieved an email the other day about worrying as a mother and it said that God knows how and when each and everyone one of us will go to Him one day. I always knew this, but it had new meaning when I had a child and lost a child. I wanted SO badly to as WHY LORD WHY??? But I am always reminded by Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." My God give you the hope and the future that you desire, but if His plans is not what you had hoped, I pray for your comfort and peace.

Unknown said...

katie -
i will be praying for you and for ellie these next couple of days. i wanted to let you know also that i work at children's medical center dallas on the cardiology floor. (i am not in the icu but i am in the step down unit) so if you do end up being there and have any questions or need anything at all -please let me know. i only work a couple times a month but i can help you in whatever way you need. we are praying for you. i am so sorry that you are having to walk this difficult road - i can't imagine how emotionally, physically, and mentally hard it must be. may God be your strength.
christy (sudan) ogden

A.J. and Megan said...

Praying, precious friend. Love you dearly.

Unknown said...

praying friend. wanted you to know again.
love ya'll...
ejw & the boys

Elizabeth said...

I have been following your blog from the time you were pregnant with Will - he has the most contagious smile - I love it. You have been in my prayers but wanted to let you know that you have multiple families praying for Ellie and the rest of your family, here in FW. Blessings.

Kelly said...

Praying for Thursday's test to show perfect breathing and for a family trip to the beach.

Edison said...

Lots of prayers from us!

Laura said...

Praying all day today that NO fluid is seen tomorrow and that you guys will be headed to the beach and not Dallas!! Love u!!

Natalie said...

Praying and believing for the fluid to be gone in Jesus Name! I love you and praying that you get to go to the beach this weekend. If you need anything, please let me know!

Matthew and Naomi said...

Praying for you and little Ellie! Love you, sweet friend!

Unknown said...

Our prayers for you, Katie, and for your baby and your family.

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