
A Unique Sort of GIVEAWAY!

Will has been training this week.

It's time for 

We're headed to the Dallas White Rock Marathon which benefits Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.  Our children are each patients at various pediatric hospitals.  Most of them are NOT free - far from it, in fact.  I spend a great deal of time dealing with our insurance company (thank God for insurance) and hospital billing departments.  I spend an insane amount of time filing paperwork from hospitals and insurance companies.
But, not from TX Scottish Rite.  It provides excellent care to any Texas child - at no cost.  It was ranked #2 this year (behind Boston Children's - which we are also patients at) in pediatric orthopedics.  They provide Will's prosthetics for free (about $12,000 a leg) & Ellie's hours and hours of therapy and castings.  Surgeries are free there.  They also provide camps in the summer where our children can be around other kids with limb differences or AMC.  Someday, Will will be able to go on their amputee ski trip to CO.   We are so thankful for the incredible care they provide our family.  Mostly, they have given us hope.
Which is why we run to give back.
If you're in the Dallas area this weekend, we'd love to have you at our pre-party at Scottish Rite on Saturday evening (wear blue.)  I think we are going to let Will do the 1 mile Mayor's race on Saturday morning.  We'd also enjoy seeing you at the race Sunday morning.  For details - check out our website:  www.wheretheresawillrace.blogspot.com

Over the last 3 years, we have raised around $100,000 for TSRHC.  Our team includes people from 2 countries and lots of states across the USA - over 300 people!

Today, we're doing a special sort of "giveaway." 
 Someone has agreed to anonymously match what we raise in the next 48 hours (with a secret cap.)  So, we are asking you to consider "giving away."  Can you spare a dollar or two or ten this holiday season?  If you are looking for a deserving place to give to this Christmas, please consider Scottish Rite.  They have served so many Texas families for so long (& children from other countries as well.)  We are forever indebted to them (& you.)

(This is a secure website for donations to the hospital.)

Do you have a digital camera or PSP or other item you would like to donate to a children's hospital (or clean out of your kid's closet?)  There's a wishlist on our website as well for those specific items:  www.wheretheresawillrace.blogspot.com

This "giveaway" will be active for 48 hours only - it shuts down on Thursday at noon.
Thank you!

Meanwhile, I've got to get running to keep up with these 2!

Hope to see you at the ROCK!

1 thoughts:

Amanda said...

That's so exciting! I hope the race is a blast. What a blessing that Scottish Rite can offer these services for free. Wow.

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