
New Friends

 Recently, a blog reader who became a friend, Kate, was in town visiting one of her best friends, Ashley, who happens to live right down the street.  Kate's son, Sanders, was born with a hand difference and another neighbor sent her to our blog & we began to email and text.
One of the things I most treasure about being in this world of limb differences is that I have opportunities to meet other moms and connect with new friends on such a personal level.  We can cry together, laugh at things only we would find funny, and learn from each other on how to navigate this journey.  I am so thankful for these relationships that spring into my life & am thankful when our story can (hopefully) relate to others & encourage them & offer them hope.

I also hope to raise my children to have empathy for others.  Kate had shared with me one of her struggles & I shared with Will and asked him if he had any ideas on helping Sanders learn to feed himself.  Mr. Creative Problem Solver/Pretender immediately began to create a pretend scene in which he was Sanders and he was also Daddy calling Sanders to dinner and then he demonstrated how Sanders could eat.  It made my heart so happy to watch him problem solve for someone else.  

I hope we will continue to build relationships with other families on this road so that we can all learn from each other.  
It makes the journey less lonely.
And it's one of my greatest blessings.

Ellie ended up having to go with Lovie as she got too hot & uncomfortable outside in her spica cast.
Lovie figured out a new way of cooling her - 
blowing down her cast.
Will was especially helpful...
 and she obviously loves the attention from her big brother

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